星期五, 12月 28, 2007

Critical Questions for the Successful Entrepreneur

Continuing with my summary of Jay Abraham's Mastermind Marketing System, this week's contents talks about some questions every entreprenuer should ask himself of his business. This is part 8 of a 12-part series.

If you can't paint a clear an accurate picture of where you want to go, you can't get there.

There are a lot of different avenues to the same outcome. Define what success means to you, what you want and what you do not want. Ask yourselves these questions:

Your Goals and Vision

  • What got you started? What was the reason? What's the goal?

  • What's your true market potential?

  • What is your USP and is it a consistent theme throughout all your different communications?

Your Business

  • Describe completely what your business or career does.

  • What were the things that initially drove your success?

  • Excluding yourself, your family and your clients, Who else will benefit from your success?

  • How many of your suppliers could be motivated to grow your business?

  • Can you barter any of your services or assets with other companies?

  • How has your products/services or methods of doing business changed since you started doing business?

星期六, 12月 01, 2007


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~ 高雄市議員 鄭光峰
~ 美國有氧體適能協會 黃于倩 教官
~ 中山醫學大學附設醫院 林朝加 醫師 鄭重推薦





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